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iGive - You Shop. Your Charity Gets Money. For Free.Since 1997 support your favorite cause when you shop 1,700 stores. Register today!
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On Line Shopping MallOn Line Shopping Mall Every category for shopping toys, clothes, food cars
Establish a Scholarship Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc.There are two ways to establish named scholarships.
Projects Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc.Our membership and community at large have been enriched through the following projects spearheaded by the foundation:
Apply for a Scholarship Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc.The Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. believes education is the primary path toward advancement in today’s society. Under the direction of the Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc., the Daughters of Penelope have g
About Us Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc.The Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1983 to promote the social, ethical, philanthropic, cultural, educational and intellectual interests of its members. The Foundation also preserves and promotes th
Pay It Forward Scholarship Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc.The Daughters of Penelope Foundation Pay It Forward Scholarship was designed to be a vehicle for past scholarship recipients to show their gratitude and Pay it Forward to the next generation of Daughters of Penelope Scho
Bridges Incentive Grant Program–Building Community Bonds Daughters oThe program was established to recognize and support local and district incentives that would build a bridge between the Daughters of Penelope and the communities we live in, while promoting the ideals of the Daughters o
Scholarships Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc.Under the direction of the Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc., the Daughters of Penelope have granted hundreds of thousands of dollars to AHEPA Family-related women toward a variety of scholarships. Undergraduate and
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